"Take away my people, but leave my factories and soon grass will grow on the factory floors......Take away my factories, but leave my people and soon we will have a new and better factory." - Andrew Carnegie
UNCLUTTERER.COM -- Using a three-folder system to keep email under control - the average worker gets 625 emails a week? Yeah, that's like two days for me. I actually employ an eight folder system.
RAPPORTIVE.COM -- Makes me wish I used email - removes the ads from the right side of Gmail and replaces it with contact information -- social media links, photo, personal notes you've added, etc.
PAPERRATER.COM -- Wow... I'm not so, um, good with words. I shoved my first "750" into this website and it tells me that my usage of "sophisticated words" is less than average. Tells me I need to use the Vocabulary Builder.
MASHABLE.COM -- U.S. to Allow Export of Web Services to Iran and Cuba -- cool. Policy is designed to gnaw at closed societies and pry them open. Booyah.
WASHINGTONHIGHWAYS.BLOGSPOT.COM -- State Route 100 - this guy and his wife are travelling all of Washington's highways, in numerical order, from start to finish, taking photos along the way. It's rather interesting and here's the latest.
KANSASCITY.COM -- The Oscars show went on and on, but the comedy sure didn’t
SETHGODIN.COM -- You Rock. Wait.. what?
iPad commercial. Actually, I found the commercial quite annoying. But, still, is an interesting product. Show me it running Remember the Milk.
Iron Man 2 Trailer
-10- VIDEO
So this is a harddrive that they've punched out numbers. Using strobe lights it displays what appears to be a steady lit clock. Kinda cool.