Thursday, July 21, 2005

Statistic -- Creativity

NEWS.COM -- It takes eight minutes without interruption for the human mind to really get going, creatively. The average time between interruptions in the modern office is three minutes. More...


Unknown said...

But people in offices aren't meant to be creative. Offices are places of efficiency, not creativity.

James said...

Is that why you refuse to work in one?

I disagree. Some offices, yes, where you're doing very specific procedures, like the time I temped entering worker's comp claims, there was really no place for creativity.

But in most cases, if you aren't creative, then you're in a rut. There is always better ways to do things, ways to increase productivity and efficiency.

If you're just mindless droning along in your job, then you're really not an asset to your company and a prime candidate for replacement by a computer or robot.

Otherwise, creativity can be applied anywhere... from a better way to write a memo, to maybe a new way to look at the data in a spreadsheet that could result in a new market for your product or something.