2. INHABIT -- Central Valley Scores First Piece of California’s High Speed Rail (and California High-Speed Rail Authority)
3. LIFEHACKER -- Why You Should Use Google Apps with a Personal Domain Instead of Your Gmail Account
4. PYSCHOLOGY TODAY -- 10 Tips to Beat Clutter…in Less Than 5 Minutes
5. MASHABLE -- P&G Shifts Marketing Strategy from Soap Operas to Social Media - they have a $9 billion a year marketing budget? day-yang.
6. ENGADGET -- World's first Nissan Leaf delivered -- it's black, like the future of gas-powered cars
7. SETH GODIN -- The Myth of the Simple Business Plan
8-10. Videos after the break... virtual piano fun, Yogi's end, a revolutionary Microsoft ad...
8. VIDEO -- Re-enact the piano scene from "Big" with Kinect
9. VIDEO -- No More Pic-a-nic Baskets. Dark but well done.
10. VIDEO -- A clever Microsoft ad. Good job!
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