Monday, January 04, 2010

Drop It Like It's Hot

8:30 am - This year, I'm going to learn to love the phone.  Heck, it might as well be another tool in my arsenal.  And if I want to say I want to be more conversational and mean it, the phone with co-workers is great practice.  The reason for any call will be narrow and defined, gives me opportunity to think on my feet and be clear in my communications.

12:35 pm - No matter how much you might hate cats, this is pretty cool because the cat is so tiny. Video:

12:36 pm - I've been struggling for some time now with "What do you want for your birthday?"  And I'm stuck.  I'm way behind on my reading, I have too much clutter, so I guess anything I want has to be practical and useful.   Which leaves, I guess, only two things... clothes, or a replacement for something I already have.  Clothes are easy and I do enjoy receiving them because people often have a better idea of what will look good on me than I will.  If you take me with you shopping for me (an experience a number of girls participated in), I'll shoot down a number of things until I get weary and then finally agree to buy stuff even if I still don't like it.  And then I'll get compliments later.  But if you go without me, then it's a nice surprise later.   Otherwise, it's replacement and it would be of something that I already use... I no longer wear a watch because I typically carry multiple devices that tell time... my bluetooth headset works great, my phone is ok, my ipod is ok, my car is fine, computer is ancient but replacing it would be too expensive to gift, so what's left?  It turns out that what I really want, still, is a new phone, a particular phone.  The unfortunate part is that it would be the gift that keeps on giving as it isn't the cheapest phone in the world, and it requires an additional monthly fee.  It would, however, allow me to consolidate my phone and iPod into one device.  On the other hand, I hear the call quality isn't that great.  And the minute I get one, a better one will come out.  I guess I should just recommend clothes.

1:42 pm - Tongue burning from the Campbell's Chunky Grilled Chicken and Sausage Gumbo.  Very spicy, very tasty.  Wish I had some crackers. (If this had been a tweet, it would rank up there with some of the lamest ones ever.)

4:20 pm - Well, not as brutal a day as I thought it would be.  Me and Scott Hart had laughed yesterday about taking this week off.  Memo to self for next year....

5:15 pm - Well, I had a tiny fragment of a song stuck in my head.  When I Googled the lyrics, it came back as a Snoop Dogg song I was sure I'd never heard.  Which means I have part of one of Weird Al's Polka medleys stuck in my head.  Yikes.   I actually am not quite sure which is worse.  Probably Snoop.