Thursday, February 28, 2013

February 2013: It's Over!

This month has flown by. There was my birthday, and then the trip to Miami, and then, wow, a bit of a blur.

From the perspective of goals, I missed repeatedly, by a long shot. I'm a little bit saddened about what I failed to complete. Some of them should have been easy. However, I failed because I did not plan for them. By the time I got serious about my list, we ran out of weekends (best time to take photos). For this next month, the list is longer, but I will plan them out on a calendar to make sure I get to them.

The big elements

Simplify - stand-still. I don't feel things are more complicated, but I don't think I made my life any more complicated either.

Diet - super failure. bad, bad, bad.

Work - mostly well. The best and worst parts I can't speak to right now. Best parts, perhaps soon. The worst parts, probably stay hidden, or make their way into a generic post about workplace politics, leadership, etc.

Family Present Ideas - I didn't pick up any clues this month. I certainly did not pay enough attention.


Last month, my goals were:

  1. Read a book (Shadow and Bone -- Leigh Bardugo -- My Review)
  2. Read a second book (Spark -- Melissa Dereberry -- My Review)
  3. Update my photo across the internet - nope
  4. Apply moss killer to the driveway - done, may need to do more
  5. Apply moss killer to the roof - done, may need to do more
  6. Regrout bathtub - nope, didn't get to
  7. Eat at 1 new restaurant with the family - sadly, did not get to
  8. Visit 1 new park or tourist attraction with the family - did not get to
  9. Take photo of Ben with his picture bear
  10. Take photo of Rachel with her picture bear
  11. Take photo of Ben and Rachel
  12. Take photo of Ben and Lori
  13. Take photo of Rachel and Lori
  14. Take photo of Ben and James
  15. Take photo of Rachel and James
  16. Take photo of Lori and James
  17. Take photo of Cash

This month's goals are on the "goals" tab.

Top 5 Posts This Month

Here are the most read posts this month.

  1. How To: Fix a "TE Error" on an LG-WM2277HW - This will probably top the list every month. This is part 1 of 2. Part 2 also made the list but I'm not including it.
  2. 31. Favourite #JanBlogaDay - the last of January's Blog a Day
  3. Problem of Scale - I complain about a breakfast cereal and you guys upvote it?
  4. 私への誕生日おめでとう - vanity post
  5. How To: Save Best Buy (@BestBuy) - In which I tell Best Buy how to save itself.

Top 5 All Time

Almost all work-related, except the TE error post. That will be the top post soon enough.
  1. Facebook Messaging (A Work-Related Post)
  2. How To: Fix a "TE Error" on an LG-WM2277HW
  3. Reorg (A Work-Related Post)
  4. Nasty People (A Work-Related Post)
  5. In Defense of Epsilon (A Work-Related Post)

My Favorites from February

Slim pickings. Proof I need to write more in March.
  1. Down to the Wire - a humdrum generic post pecked out at the end of the month on my iPad. Of little consequence. Like I said, slim pickings.
  2. Doing the Work - I realize I do want to lose weight. Yeah, that motivation did not last long at all. I should be embarrassed, but who would believe me at this point. Yeah, yeah, James, we've heard this all before.
  3. Idea: Business Model - here's a free business model for a small bakery. You could probably adjust it for other industries. My wife didn't want it, so I'm putting it out here in case anyone else wants to try it out. I, personally, think it's pretty slick.
  4. family - Another in my introspection series. This series is taking way too long to conclude.
  5. How to Save Best Buy (@BestBuy) - I like this one. It had rattled around for a long time in my brain. Other than laying off staff at corporate headquarters, so far haven't heard the angst I was expecting. That's good news. Barnes & Noble and JCPenney aren't faring so well at all lately and are a little worrisome.

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