Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Down to the wire

It's almost the end of the month. After the rush of January's blog-a-day, I turned to a more quiet month. Well, on the blog at least. Quieter than I would have liked.

It has not been a quiet month. Without a lot to show for it, it feels like it's been a rather busy month. I'm now reading *three* books for work, a book for church and a book for personal time. Though some days I'm not getting much reading in at all.

I went to a conference, learned a lot, spent way too long in the travel to and from, including a shuttle experience in Miami longer than my flight from Houston to Miami and a wait on the ground due to a delayed connection and then mechanical difficulties so long that I actually fell asleep on the plane while waiting for it to take off. I didn't win any sweet swag this year but I'm pretty convinced none of the vendors who said they were giving away iPad minis actually did. I have lots of notes I've been working to type up from the trip.

There's an interesting turn at work that I can't say too much about it yet. It could be really good or really bad. But work in general has been quite busy and we're racing way too quickly towards the last day for a really wonderful member of my team who's decided to leave because sh/ having another child and would like flexibility out company couldn't offer. I keep saying I have 12 weeks (Feb/March/April) but in a few days it will really be only a month left. I'm still in denial.

Rachel has done all her chores now for 10 straight days and is now motivated to not break the chain. The money she earns isn't bad either.

Ben's off the first medicine for seizures and fully transitioned to a second. The first works for most but in a small number of people if causes aggression. Hopefully this new one works better for him.

I have not been doing well on my diet or exercise and not getting great sleep and we keep canceling small group due to illness.

Oddly, it seems like this should mean I have all kinds of extra time, but I haven't, I don't know where it's going.

We did get up to Seattle last weekend for brunch with Allison and Corey which was really nice but that alone wasn't much time.

Been trying to get home earlier in the evenings with limited success.

And the laundry's caught up but that was just time spent mostly during a movie on Saturday and then some small work since then to keep it caught up.

So yeah, puzzled where the time's gone. Kind of concerned that when I do the summary at the end of the month that I'm not even going to have very many thoughtful posts to even select as my favorites. But this is at least something. (But I'm doing this instead of personal or church-related work.)

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