Sunday, March 31, 2013

March Madness: End of the month

This was not an easy month, either at work or at home.  I'm glad to be starting the next month with a week off.  Won't be doing anything specific, other than just hanging out with the family.  We're trying to conserve money, so we don't have a lot of plans, but we'll be getting some stuff around the house and taking care of some medical and other errands.

I don't think I paid enough attention to my To Do List as the month went on.  Got some good stuff done, but not everything that I would have liked.

March is traditionally a wonderful month, it's when we moved to Washington and I have fond memories of great afternoons of sun and rain at the same time.  I saw a few of those and from that perspective, I'm surprised March is over.  We'll see what April brings.  Not a lot of rain in the first half, according to Accuweather.

The big elements
(adjusted slightly - I think I want to think about these in the context of "identity" and so I may shake these up more as I go along)

Simplify - did something close to the end of the month.  That will show up in a blog post shortly.  Will also be doing some cleaning next week.  March didn't see as much simplifying as I'd have liked.

Diet/Exercise - still massively failed.  Exercise also lagged at 10 walks (14.53 miles) and ONE run at 2.36.

Work - not great.  Don't want to talk about it.  Can't talk about it.   Still receiving paychecks.  Still work with some cool people.  Still have a chance to contribute.

Family - we had Lori's mom over for dinner, we saw my parents and brother and his family at a birthday party.  We didn't connect with Lori's dad or brothers, but we'll get better at that in the coming months.

Family Present Ideas - didn't capture any.  Need to spend more time in stores observing them.


I don't have time to revise these tonight, so I at least updated them, but will work them into their own post tomorrow or the next day, I think.

Top 5 Posts This Month
My 5 Favorite Posts for This Month

(in reverse-chronological order. I have to say, I didn't feel like there were as many standouts this month.  Will need to keep that in mind for April.)

  • Missed Opportunity 2 (A Work-Related Post) - DirecTV fails to use what it knows about me and sends me an email that just makes them look bad.
  • nous sommes toujours là - commemorating the anniversary of our arrival in the Pacific Northwest
  • knowledge - part of my identity series (did not do enough in the series this past month)
  • How sad is this? - detailing my current attempt at organization.  Weird as it is, it seemed to mostly work last month.  I'll try it again for the next few months.
  • PSA: O and then M and then G - yes, yes it is offensive.  I don't care if you think you meant "gosh"

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