Friday, January 04, 2002

A news report the other morning told of a stolen truck containing drums of nitric acid. The report went on to state that they didn't believe that the theives were after the chemicals because the facility from which the truck was stolen contained better chemicals. Hold up... you've just told us that the facility has poor security and better chemicals. How do you define "better"? Easier with which to kill our persons when used by a terrorist? If that wasn't bad enough, the report ended reminding people that if they get acid on their skin to immediately wash it off. D'oh and duh.

No more SUV's! No more SUV's! *sigh* Volvo and Saab are moooving with the herd. Damn SUV's. I hate SUV's.But I'm going to have to buy one just so I can see more than 10 feet in front of me on the road. SUV's blow! Volvo plans to highlight safety while Saab, quirky. The story also mentions that Saab has been unable to reach its goal of selling 47,000 vehicles in the U.S., missing it by only 7,000. Here's a hint for Saab... quirky is not a good idea. Ugly will sell more (see Toyota Echo). Ugly and quirky? Well then you've got yourself a Pontiac Aztec. (I thought Pontiac was the sports car division?)

Wait... you're giving me $2,002 in cash? Why? Doesn't it mean that you're just going to raise the prices of your cars by at least $2,002? Yep, GM's giving you $2,002 in cash if you buy a new 2002 car. But 0% interest is gone. It's time to knock over some car dealerships if they're actually passing out real cash. Or just follow new car buyers off the lot and jack 'em for the new car and the two grand.

Jobless rates worst since 1993. And they're not even counting me since I'm not taking unemployment insurance. (I'm contracting... which is code for working part-time, making enough to pay the bills but still feeling unemployed.)

Disney to close 50 more stores and scale back internet operations. Does it need to? It's the only stock in my portfolio worth more now than when I bought it.

Echostar claims Disney is trying to bribe Echostar so that Disney won't lobby against the Echostar/DirecTV deal. Shame on you for trying to bribe them, Disney. I'd rather you just went out and lobbied against it. Not that you were that effective when you lobbied agaist the AOL Time Warner deal.

Apparently someone might or might not have been misappropriating funds within the Department of the Interior. So some judge orders its website shut down? Still not clear on why the judge did it, but apparently it's a pain for vacationers and students.

Why anyone with internet access through another ISP would want to pay to use AOHELL is beyond me. Just can't let go of that terrific address you've had for years? Grow up! Guess what? You'll pay $5 more per month for the pleasure. Analysts say that alone could net them more money than the $1.95 increase they recently made all the people dialing in pay.

Yeah, I'd like to rent legally blonde, buy these Twizzlers.. and while you're at it, why don't you give me one of them stereos. After DVD player sales outperformed expectations, Blockbuster Video considers selling other consumer electronics. I think this is interesting. Not sure I have an opinion, but I find it interesting. I got fired from Blockbuster once (a) implying to a visiting manager that we all stole money and (b) paying for a Snapple. We weren't stealing money and if I hadn't paid for the Snapple, I wouldn't have gotten fired.

MacWorld:Apple Users::Christmas:5-year-olds... the holy grail of events have Mackies and Mackettes salivating over what new and exciting product Apple will introduce this year. Me, I'm betting it will be a new line of tatoos. But some people are saying it's a new PDA.

Greedy people run our colleges. If they had been around a few decades ago, you wouldn't be reading this now. Or it would cost you money. (Yeah, who'd pay for this? Get help.)

Is Satellite Radio:Radio::Cable TV:Broadcast TV? I don't think so. With cable TV you get crystal clear versions of the local channels. Satellite Radio just offers you the same songs over and over again without any regard to how those artists are being received in local markets. Not to mention no news, weather or traffic reports. And many of the satellite channels will still have ads, even though you're paying $10-$13.

This picture is funny. Sadly the driver died later at the hospital, but I think the picture is still humorous. Doesn't say whether or not the driver was drunk.

And now I'm feeling lazy...

For Auto sites, content might be king, Home users new targets for hackers, Engineers reconstruct final moments of WTC collapse

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