Tuesday, January 08, 2002

The other night I was watching HGTV and as the show went to commercial, the following statistic was flashed up on the screen:

When asked to choose between the two:
40% of men chose white
60% of women chose beige

Uh... doesn't that mean that 60% chose beige regardless of their gender? Guh!

And I recently heard on the radio that people who have had a change of heart often donate their fur coats to PETA. PETA's going to give them to homeless people. (1) No homeless person will get any money begging while wearing an expensive fur coat. (2) Homeless people will probably just sell them for far less than they're worth. It would be a good racket to donate a coat, get the tax write-off, buy it back from some homeless person and do it again.

You know, I'm no big fan of Bank of America myself, but I certainly wouldn't kill myself crashing a plane into it. That stupid kid left a letter supporting Osama Bin Laden.

They're introducing new technologies left and right. I'm looking forward to the home networking stuff. Moxi is a new technology that aims to replace a number of your entertainment devices. Sounds like a nice first step.

MacWorld seems like a disappointment. Granted, I've never owned a Mac, but I'd like to see them do well. I'd like to see them buy Palm, I'd like to see them do deals with car manufacturers for navigation and stuff. What did they do? Introduced a cool looking iMac that's supposedly a good price and well spec'ked that looks like a desk lamp. I think Steve Jobs is spending too much time at Pixar.

And Ford's probably going to announce some factory closures and lay off as many as 20,000 people. So much for the economy.

Argentina devalues its peso. I'm still not sure what all this really means, but hopefully it does something to help their economy.

DVD players will soon support Microsoft's Windows Media Audio. What does this mean? 22 hours of music on a single CD, or the equivalent of 250 albums' worth of music on a single DVD. Rock on.

When will AOL ever be a good deal? Perhaps never. Hey, it's in the article.

From MSNBC: AOL plays the blame game - What a disappointing effort at spin control! That seems to be about the nicest thing one can say regarding the conference call orchestrated on Monday by the crowd at AOL Time Warner, Inc. -- By Christopher Byron

DaimlerChrysler is working with Mitsubishi and Hyundai to create a world engine - a series of engines that are the same, save minor modifications that can be used in a wide variety of cars. Smart = forcing the Mercedes Benz guys with all their intelligence, style and design to create the engine, but then not putting the engine into MB's because it probably won't be powerful enough. I'm not being sarcastic. Way to marshal your forces for the task at hand.

This is cool... watch little trains drive around Southern California.

Disney's using handhelds to allow people with hearing disabilities or who don't speak English better appreciate the park. The handhelds display text in their languages, triggered by specific points during rides and attractions. Smart and cool.

Oh, guess what? Sprint PCS sucks in the Bay Area, Denver, and Los Angeles

Satellite radio's up and running and national advertisers are lining up.

Hey kids, let's get some hard liquor! If 85% of an NBC show is 21 years or older, then it qualifies. Of course, how many 16 year olds do you know with a Neilsen diary? Come to think of it, how many people -- period -- do you know with a Neilsen diary?

Dave Thomas died today. He was the spokesperson for Wendy's and the chairman. Which was kind of cool. Because he seemed like a really nice guy, not something you'd think of when you thought of the head of any large corporation. They've pulled almost all the advertising until after his funeral on Friday.

Levi's is letting you see their Superbowl ad ahead of time. In fact, they're letting you pick it. Where's the fun in that?

And my friend just traded in his Explorer for an Audi TT. Yes! One fewer SUV blocking my view on the freeway.

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