Friday, January 04, 2002

Professor Inch would call this "housekeeping"...

Hmmm... is dropping its free spell-checker. And I didn't even know there was one. Oh well.

I've gotten email about my spelling of Al Quida or al-queda or whatever. (Yes! Someone's actually reading this!)

Well, I got my spelling from MSNBC. But maybe that wasn't such a good idea. Here's something they mailed me today...

U.S. bombs al-Qaida complex
U.S. warplanes attacked a Taliban compound in Afghanistan based on intelligence that....

WashPost: Allies step up Somalia watch
With members of the al Qaeda terrorist network on the run from Afghanistan and other...

So, I guess if they don't care how it's spelled, I certainly don't. No matter what, they're evil. Stupid, clueless evil people that kill dogs in training and then kill actual people once they're done training. I swear, they're like Los Angeles street gangs without the honor and the Mafia without the class and respect.

Anyhow, more new stuff later today. Why do I let it pile up? Feel free to submit articles you find interesting.

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