Tuesday, September 21, 2010

What I'm Reading 2


How to Sound Smarter -- Reader's Digest, September 2010


Fieldwork: A Novel by Mischa Berlinski - My Review: I couldn't get into it and actually didn't finish it. Read more...


Comfort Through Craftsmanship - Architectural Digest, July 2008


Nicola Bulgari’s American Gems - Architectural Digest, July 2008


Lance Armstrong's Home - Architectural Digest, July 2008


The Streamlined Search for Perfection - Architectural Digest, July 2008


Popes and Bankers by Jack Cashill - My Review: Took me a long time to read it. Read more...


Innovation: A New Method of Irrigation - Inc. Magazine, July 2009


Start-ups 2009: How to Build Your Dream Company - Inc. Magazine, July 2009 (Here's how 13 savvy entrepreneurs got their start - and how you can do the same.)


Six Questions to Ask Yourself Before Starting a Business

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