Sunday, April 20, 2014

Influence (2 of 10)

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Day two of my summary of what I learned from "Becoming a Person of Influence: How to Positively Impact the Lives of Others" by John C. Maxwell and Jim Dornan

Chapter 2 - A Person of Influence... Nurtures Other People (21p)

Nurturing needs to happen regularly and consistently, not a one-time deal. I'm struck by how entertainment news always refers to people by their latest effort, even if a movie 10 years ago was a classic that will be watched for all times. While they can't rest on past glory, I guess it speaks a lot to this. How am I doing now?

Someone who is nurturing loves, offers respect, provides a sense of security, recognizes and encourages. This is work. This is intentional. When you do that, the recipient receives a sense of positive self-worth, a sense of belonging, perspective, a feeling of significance and hope. Hope is a big deal. I was recently talking to my pastor because it's my assertion that the modern church has failed its mission to offer true hope and that's what really resonates with people as we saw in the last Presidential election.

Like I was saying, this is work. We need to commit to them, believe in them (we have to believe it and they have to know we believe it) and be accessible to them (physical proximity and a open schedule is important as well as intentional touch-bases). We must give with no strings attached, give them opportunities to grow and lift them to a higher level. Show them you see them as they can and will be, not as they currently are and not as they see themselves. This also goes back to the idea of hope and self-esteem. Show them the vision and stir in them a passion and ambition to "go to there."

Chapter 2 checklist:
- Make a nurturing environment at home, at work, at church. Eliminate negative criticism from your speech.
- Give special encouragement. Pick a few people to encourage.
- Rebuild bridges with someone who you've been negative with in the past.

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