Saturday, April 19, 2014

Influence (1 of 10)

At work, it was suggested to me that I read "Becoming a Person of Influence: How to Positively Impact the Lives of Others" by John Maxwell and Jim Dornan. With the busyness of work, it actually took me several years to get through the entire book, but all told, I've probably read it two or three times. I thought I would share my notes here because I found it to be a helpful book. This doesn't exactly replace the book, nor is it just one really long ad. Hopefully you'll find my notes helpful and if you are interested in reading it for yourself, I've given you some insight into what you'll learn. I'll post my notes over the next 10 days or so. The quality and style of my notes also changes since this was done over such a long period of time.

Introduction (14p)

We all influence others, but not equally. It may be positively, it may be negatively. It may be a little, it may be a lot. In most situations where your previous influence has been negative or small, you can turn things around and be a positive influencer in a larger way. Leadership is an application of influence -- without the ability to effectively influence, you will not be successful. Endorsement - temporary, borrowed influence. Modeling is the first and most passive step. You can do it from a distance and not even be aware that you are influencing someone. Many celebrities do this. Motivating is the next step and really only works at a personal level, encouraging them emotionally. This builds up their confidence and self-worth. Next: Mentoring "pouring your life into other people" - helping them to succeed in ways that allows you to see their life change before your eyes. Finally, multiplying - your mentoring has helped them to achieve a level of influence where they are now mentoring others.

Chapter 1 - A Person of Influence... Has Integrity with People (17p)

Integrity is the foundation of influence. Integrity is choosing to do the right thing, consistently. Whether it's a small matter or a large one, knowing what you stand for, so that when the crisis hits, you already know how you're going to respond. Because if someone finds you inconsistent, finds that they can't always trust you, then they will never trust you. Therefore, you must not commit to things you cannot deliver upon, and you must be ready to acknowledge your flaws. The flaws will come out, but if it's in the context of who you are, or if your integrity is an example of how to deal with those flaws, then that speaks to your character. Integrity is not based on circumstances or credentials and should not be confused with reputation.

Chapter 1 checklist:
1. Commit yourself to developing a strong character.
2. Do the little things.
3. Do what you should do before you do what you want to do.

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