Tuesday, May 17, 2011

In Cave

I realized something today. I was looking at how much of my vacation has passed but I realized I ought to be looking at how much vacation I have left.

I got a lot done today. It's like after Sunday, I just dialed backwards to Saturday and pressed pause. And that... is... awesome.

Today I took my children to school, drove with my wife to South Tacoma to pick up our car, spent time in the yard talking to my neighbors (who are going to cut down a tree I hate!), mowed the four lawns, and then worked on my cave. I finished the excavation, put down weed block, built a desk surface out of leftover plywood, a 2x4 and some leftover linoelum (sits on saw horses), covered more of the underside of the deck so it'll be drier and less windy under the deck, did a better (temporary) wiring job for a light and hung an old trellis on the wall for some visual appeal. Then I played with my children, did a lot of chores, watched some TED Talks, watched the final three episodes of How I Met Your Mother (ironic as it too has a Ted that talks way too much) for the season and did some exercising.

I didn't count, but I think I did more exercising than eating, though there was cake involved. Good cake.

So, yeah, the cave is in pretty awesome shape. In a way, lots more to do, but in a way, starting to look good. Now I just need another rainstorm to see if I did a good job or not.

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