Sunday, November 14, 2010

What I'm Reading 4


Walter Hood: This Land Is Your Land (Fast Company, Oct. 2010)


Fiona Morrisson Brands JetBlue With Whimsical Design (Fast Company, Oct. 2010)


Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis -- Fantastic book. It took me several tries to get into it... Read more...


Presentation Zen by Garr Reynolds -- people don't like reading slides full of text. But there's a flip-side "duh" for this -- if there isn't a slide full of text for the audience to read, there also isn't a slide full of text for me to read from. Instead, I must truly know my material. Read more... (Also, I did a full blog post on it.)


FAST COMPANY (November 2010) -- Unleash the Merch-inator -- 25% of Phineas and Ferb's audience is adult and only half of them are watching with a child


FAST COMPANY (November 2010) -- "Thank You" Goes A Long Way


FAST COMPANY (September 2010) -- How TED Connects the Idea-Hungry Elite


61 Hours by Lee Child -- This is the first Reacher book I'd read. It was a recommendation I got from my wife's weekly entertainment magazine and it didn't disappoint. It was a very quick read and I liked the writing style of the author. Read more...


INC. (October 2010) -- Elon Musk's Guide to the Galaxy - this guy's drive is inspirational


INC. (October 2010) -- PharmaJet Finally Gets Unstuck - a look at the long, difficult road to injection-free vaccinations

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