Sunday, November 14, 2010

Odds and Ends 75


LAST PERSON BLOGGING -- Great Website for Calorie Counters


INHABIT -- MIT Introduces Paper-Thin Solar Cells


ENGADGET -- Ford adds race-ready TracKey to Mustang Boss 302, leaves no doubt about who's in charge


MASHABLE -- “U.S. News & World Report” Goes Digital-Only


SETH GODIN -- The Bright Line of Small Differences


SIGNAL VS. NOISE -- On Writing: How Conan wrote his pitch-perfect "People of Earth" letter

-7-10- Videos after the break... Christmas flash mob, hot cross phones, PC envy and slip-sliding away...


Opera Company of Philadelphia's Flash Mob at Macy's -- wonderful


Which grills faster? I hate to see money wasted like that.


Watching Blu-Ray on a PC. Clever. (I've encoded this in the iframe version so it can be watched without Flash on an iPhone or iPad.)


Three Meow Drift... (See it larger)

See it larger

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