Sunday, May 13, 2007

It's Craptastic

Irony... Comcast's stupid DVR once again eats part of the final episode of a reality TV show and jumps straight to a commercial for... Comcast! It seems like it only ate 3-4 minutes, and hopefully it won't do it again.


  1. I was ticked off two weeks ago because NBC decided to start "Scrubs" at 9:20 instead of 9:30 without any warning. As someone who avoids "30 Rock" to the point of sticking pencils into my good eye, that meant missing the first 10 minutes of a show I actually enjoy. And I can't even blame that on DVR technology... it is just bad NBC programing and scheduling.

  2. Sorry, dude. They've done that a few weeks in a row now so they can have longer (more commercials) episodes and fill the gap left by taking 30 Rock off the schedule without having anything to put in its place. Our DVR did notice the schedule change and adjusted accordingly.

    30 Rock started out awful and we stopped watching, but it's gotten better. It's not on the same level as Scrubs or Earl or Office, but it's provided a lot of rapid burst humor.
