Monday, May 14, 2007

Free Idea: Mirror Mount for iPod

Ok, here's my free idea of the day. I'd like a water-resistant plexiglass housing for my iPod. It would mount to the mirror at eye-level by that semi-permanent foam tape. It'd have a shelf with a lip that the iPod (or other MP3 player would sit on), a band or other mechanism to hold it in place, and then a plexiglass front cover that pivots at the top. A groove at the bottom would allow your earphone cable to come out.

The idea is that you can watch a TV show or movie (or listen to music) while shaving without having to precariously balance your iPod on top of an ornamental vase (vahz). It would be for times when you're not accessing the controls much, when you set it to play and leave it be. While not entirely watertight, the enclosure would be designed in such a way that it'd be really difficult for simple splashes to get inside.

If someone decides to manufacture such a case, all I ask is for 1 free case -- and 1 penny per 100 shipped to retailers.


  1. Well, if it helps, I don't actually watch videos on my iPod because, as a full grown adult, I own a full sized television (sorry, couldn't resist), but instead of waiting for someone to invent an iPod stand, why not just invest in a $6 Beany Baby like I did? It allows you to balance the iPod on almost any surface.

  2. Being a full-grown adult (or close to it), I wouldn't buy a Beanie Baby, let alone invest in them.

    Your solution misses the point - I need the iPod at eye-level and more water resistant.

    I own three TV's. Two are permanently placed in locations where my wife would like them to stay. Not to mention one of them requires two people to move it. The only TV that is portable wouldn't fit on the counter and wouldn't be compatible with the $300 iTV I'd need to buy to get the content from iTunes. And, still, the problem with it not being at eye-level.

    So your solution doesn't really work and only works to highlight your poor investment plan. I suppose you're being frugal, Snuggles can also double as a pillow, eh?

  3. No, I'm allergic to Snuggles.

    OK, well, if my solution doesn't work (and for the record I didn't buy the Beany Baby, it was a gift), how about the same solution proposed by a great many other people when I mentioned this to them. Buy yourself one of those cel-phone cradles, invest in a drill bit that will go through glass, and mount it at eye level, crotch level, or any other level that suits your fancy. It should cost you less than $20, excluding the labor.

  4. Yeah, that'd go over well. :)

    Not sure the cradle would be water-resistant either.

    I'll agree to disagree if you'll agree I'm right.
