Monday, April 15, 2002

It's been another week since I've posted. I've been collecting news articles, but I haven't really felt like publishing them lately. I've been kind of swamped with my part-time consulting gig, mostly building this really neat new feature that I'm going to force everyone to use. It's really pretty simple, when it all comes down to it, all it really is is a calendar. The website I've been working on is for my church and they have a lot of events going on and we have lists of all that stuff, but for some reason, show that same information to people in a calendar and they just get really, really excited. Hey, if it means they're going to use the website, then I'm all for it.

Besides that, this cold has still been ravaging me. This is what I get for not having colds for years. It's finally caught up with me. I've nearly conquered it, but it's meant taking a spoonful of promethazine hcl and a amoxicillin tablet three times daily, plus downing two cupfuls of drowsy robitussin and a melatonin each night. On the plus side, I've been sleeping great and all of my symptoms are gone except for a bit of a cough and/or sore throat if I talk all that much. There are those who would say that's the upside.

The Palestinians and Israelis are still at it. Sharon is the worst thing that could have happened to Israel. The homicide bombers (as Fox News has taken to calling them) aren't a really great benefit, either, but still... if Israel were really serious about peace, they wouldn't be rolling in tanks... they'd be rolling in cement mixers and building some infrastructure. Seriously, these people who are blowing themselves up are no different than the people who join gangs... they're disillusioned, uneducated or undereducated, they lack hope and they find that hope, peace and sense of belonging in these organizations that support them, up until the time they send them off to self-destruct. If there is ever going to be a day where there isn't homicide bombers / suicide bombers, it's going to be 15 to 20 years after those that have realize that they are ultimately responsible for those that have not. I'm not going all communist share and share alike, we know that doesn't work, but until we actually care about these people, we're fighting a losing battle where there should be no battle to begin with.

Last night I woke up in the middle of the night and realized it was raining. It's been awhile since we've had rain. I went downstairs to sleep because I can hear the rain down there but can't hear it upstairs. It was really nice.

Our house hunting plans haven't gone very far lately... we're getting listings, but we're not yet ready to actually try to pre-qualify because we're scared that it won't be enough to buy a car, let alone a house. So, we're working to pay down our bills and praying for help. Because it's gonna take an Act of God for us to get a house. We can't do it on our own, so I'm happy to put my faith and trust in God and see where things turn up. Because it's not only the house, but also my lack of steady full-time employment that worries me from time to time.

Anyhow, I was going to do some cleaning before Lori got home and instead I've spent a lot of time redoing the look of my blog and writing instead of cleaning. So, I'm off.

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