Tuesday, April 16, 2002

Hello all... I'm finally getting through all the headlines I've been keeping track of. Aside from that, I have nothing to report. We've been trying to eat at the table like adults instead of in front of the TV like college students. It's been kinda nice. It was seeming like the only time we ate face to face was at a restaurant. Unless we ate with friends, then we'd sit side-by-side facing them. I've nearly kicked this cold. I haven't really suffered any side-effects today, but I'm going to keep taking the antibiotics until there's none left. For some reason I'm now wondering if there's a joke involving antibionics and the bionic man but I just can't put it together well enough. So, let's get to what I thought was of interest this recently...

Tragic news... Spenser (Robert Urich) died... I remember many a day watching Spenser For Hire. Kevin got me hooked on that show in college and we'd watch it every day. At least "Emiril" got cancelled before he died so he's not remembered as Robert Urich of Emiril because that would be sad.

Here's an interesting picture... Reuters TV cameraman Ismail Khader, a Palestinian, runs for cover on April 5, moments after Israeli troops threw stun grenades at journalists outside Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat's besieged headquarters in the West Bank city of Ramallah. (description from MSNBC.com)

SprintPCS sucks in New York and Seattle/Tacoma. I miss Magnolia Hi-Fi... they were a great store I went to a lot of times in Tacoma.

All together now... Awwwww.... Whoopi Goldberg is leaving Hollywood Squares. Or as I like to call her Whoopi Deedoodah. Not that I really watched the show much (can't stand Bruce Villanch, either), but occasionally there were some funny people on it that made it entertaining, like my man Brad Garrett.

Pepsi takes NFL sponsorship Away from Coke... Coke expands on NBA deal

There's a new Emmy... for interactive TV. For who's got the best complimentary new media connection to their show, or who can get people to use their computer while they watch TV... shows like CSI or Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? Of course, they don't get a statue, only a lame plaque. I wonder if they're allowed to create an interactive Emmy?

This is kind of cool... a company connecting Tibetians.

And new advances in surgery that will allow doctors to perform laser-based surgery from the comfort of their homes...

And supposedly the guys behind Napster are working on taking on spam. Not quite sure how it works, but apparently it's very effective.

Like MP3's? Do you have them on your network at work? You could get seriously busted like this company did. I still say that the RIAA needs to investigate its own member companies... check out the studios, I bet there's MP3's all over the place.

Apparently companies are now serving up advertising that asks you if you want to install software. I don't know why this is news, Comet Systems has been doing it for years with their stupid comet cursor.

According to this story, 3D computer and TV screens are coming closer to being a reality. Now if people could just figure out how to project into the air like R2D2 did. That would be cool.

Ok, so we've all gotten those stupid chain emails about tax on email. Well, in a way, it might just be true. Online bill presentment and bill paying is eating into the Postal Service revenues so much that they're increasing the price of stamps again.

For those following AOL, this is an interesting article on the challenges Parsons faces.

Hey fish guy! You are lame! (I hope he doesn't sue me.)

I blame aliens! Roswell cancelled again.

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