Tuesday, May 21, 2024


 It's been way too long since I posted. It's been on my to do list and at this moment, it's the least undesirable thing on the list, so I guess it sort of wins. 

It's been a whirlwind. We were working on renovating my wife's mom's kitchen.  And then my wife's brother died. So we all flew to Boise. It went better than expected, but I didn't actually get to attend the service because it was too overwhelming for Ben. But he still did well on the planes and in the new place and we have to make any apologies to the AirBNB host for broken/damaged stuff, so that's good.

Less than 24 hours after we flew back, I was on another plane for DC. And then right after I got back, my wife and our other child were off on a planned bonding vacation. We also had a tree removed because it had broken and was leaning on our neighbor's house and some plumbing work done last week. Then there was a scare over the weekend that maybe my mother-in-law's refrigerator was dying, but everything seems OK again for the moment.  So this is the first "normal" week in awhile and I'm here for it. I've slept poorly the last few nights, but then that's not all that unusual. Well, normal if not for annual meetings with the school district and with my financial advisor and an industry peer has asked to get on my calendar. So it's still overwhelming.  5 hours of meetings today.  Bleh.

I've been working on the brick path to my mother-in-law's apartment and trying to get more drywall up on the ceiling in my office, but we have not yet returned to working on the kitchen. All the new cabinets are assembled and sitting on our back porch.  

Preparing for a trip to Salt Lake next month and already planning for the DC trip after that. Thankfully not doing the annual trip to Chicago this week.

I just want to sleep.

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