Thursday, January 21, 2021

2021 Charities

Welcome to 2021. As we start off this new year, it's almost as if last year didn't exist. But as I start to work on my taxes and look at where we made charitable contributions last year, I'm reminded of this yearly tradition to recommend a few places you might consider helping out in the new year. 2020 was so messed up that now as I look at last year's post, I realize I didn't even contribute to either recommendation. I will take care of that this week.

Please consider joining me in supporting these charities in 2021:

No Kid Hungry - They feed kids. It's one of my wife's favorites. 

Little Free Library Foundation - your gift helps them get books into more communities. 

NAACP Legal and Education Defense Fund - they did a matching thing at work with the LDF last year and when I donated, I told them I did not want any solitications for future gifts and they honored my request. I haven't heard from them since. I know charities don't necessarily like that, but it means my gift wasn't spent on fundraising.

Charities on the naughty list for wasting my past donations on way too many mailings: Wounded Warrior and Sierra Club. Yes, Sierra Club. Oh my gosh, they send me so much crap and I've asked them to stop so many times. I don't believe they actually care about the environment. 

2020 Charities

* Bithiah's House

* RAICES (The Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services)

2019 Charities

* Autism Society

* Burbank Arts for All

* Women of Email

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