Wednesday, March 04, 2020

@GoogleMaps, this is wrong (S. Marengo Ave.)

Dear Google Maps - in Pasadena, California at S. Marengo Avenue and Green Street, when you're traveling south on S. Marengo, Google Maps Directions shows four lanes - two left turns onto eastbound E. Green St. and two straight lanes continuing onto Marengo St.

But there's actually only three lanes here - one left turn and two straight.

Here's the streetview, facing south.

And here's an earlier street view (2016) where you can see that they used to have a sign at this intersection because it used to be four lanes but they reduced it to three lanes and covered up one of the arrows on the sign.  Go even further back and you'll see that even in 2014 street view the sign is still only showing 3 lanes.

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