Sunday, May 18, 2014

Week 58 & 59 (Final)

Sunday, 9:00 pm -- I think it's time to bring this experiment to a close. I've tried a number of different methods to address my chores and my to do list. I've treated them like a challenge to see how many I could do. I've tried to plan them like a sprint. I tried to make a game of it. I think the thing that's worked the best is when I can spend a few minutes the night beforehand reducing the list for the next day, looking at the stuff I should do. What I have learned in the past few distracted weeks that I'm more likely to get stuff done when I at least check my list. Also, if I can plan out longer periods with my family like we were doing a few years ago I'll have a better chance of success.

Friday 11:25 pm -- Wow, an even better day. Some great things happened today. Had a nice evening after work with the children. It's pretty late, but at least it's Friday. Lunch tomorrow with co-workers. That'll be cool.

Thursday 10:30 pm -- A good day. Some good things happened today. Also, I decided to try not to be so distracted. I worked to try to get through some of the blocking clutter at work and to actually get some stuff done at home after work. Even stayed under my calorie count. Amazing weather also. Did not feel like it was Thursday today, so hard to wrap my mind around tomorrow being Friday. Month is half over. Yikes.

Wednesday 10:20 pm -- I've been distracted this week. Hopefully I can get back on track soon. I've kept the lights on, but I haven't really gotten a lot done. I don't think this is a new norm, but I think it's at least a temporary pattern that may persist at least the rest of this week, possibly a few more.

Monday 10:20 pm -- Celebrated Ben's birthday today. Instead of work, I went and volunteered at their school. Great weather today. After school, the car was really hot, so we decided to walk home instead. Unfortunately, partway home, Rachel fell and smashed her face into the ground so Lori ended up coming and picking us up and then swinging back by the school to get the other car. Poor girl scraped up her knees and palms and somehow scraped up and down her complete nose. But she did well. Ended up giving her a sick day from her chores (going to pay her and count them as all done so the streak remains unbroken) and Lori's mom came over and Ben opened presents and then we had dinner and got the children ready for bed. A really nice day.  Did not check off anything on my to do list. Did some of the stuff from it, but didn't check anything off. Had more important stuff to do today.

Sunday 10:20 pm -- Did I really skip two days? That's so easy to do. So Friday was Leadercast. Awesome. Saturday was the iPad Autism workshop. Aiiight.  Oh, and mowing, edging, trimming, laying down mulch. Lots of yard work. Sunday was church, Mother's Day, a walk with Ben. I didn't check a lot of my list, but I got more important stuff done. Tomorrow, Ben's birthday and I'm taking a vacation day from work to go be a WatchDOGS (yes, it's plural, weird) at the children's school.

Thursday 10:00 pm -- This week's gone sideways. It hasn't exactly been a bad week, but everything's been interrupted.

Tuesday 10:30 pm -- Weird day. Bit of a blur. Which is odd considering I had very few meetings whatsoever. Children seem to be getting sick.

Monday 10:55 pm -- It's late. It was a busy evening and Ben stayed up late eating so I didn't get to everything I wanted to. But I did get some time outside pulling weeds, which was actually nice. After lots of rain, the ground yielded easily so I pulled a lot. The birds were chirping and it was otherwise so quiet. Love this neighborhood. Still a lot to do this week and it's really difficult getting the list down to a manageable size. Seems like there's going to be a lot left still to do at week's end. Work continues to be a struggle and a drain.

Sunday 10:35 pm -- This was a good weekend. The children weren't exactly on their best behavior, but I'm still happy with this weekend, I had a nice evening with Lori on Friday (thank you to our wonderful babysitter, Lori's mom, Jan) and went spent a lot of time together this weekend. The rain was cool - it smelled good, it sounded good, and it kept me mostly indoors, away from those pesky weeds and moss. I did go outside for a little while this afternoon, but it was with Ben. The rain made everything muddy, so he put less dirt in his mouth, which was good. And on the way home from church Rachel was talking about her Bible getting thrashed and thinking she needed a new one with a hard cover. So we talked about that and maybe a case to hold it and then we started thinking about how another student in her class has a Kindle and if you think about it, you can get one for not much more than a hard-bound Bible and cover. So I made her a deal - if she wanted to save up for one, I'd chip in on it. We came home, did some research and then she was off to take care of her responsibilities. We made a little chart and a little bank and so she can track her progress towards saving up for her Kindle. I think this will finally be the thing that gets her to think about saving money towards something instead of just randomly spending it as quickly as she gets it. Well, I must be off, a few more things to do tonight, as much fun as it is sitting here watching the cat repeatedly run across the room and smack into the curtain (and sliding glass door).  He's not too bright.

Sunday 4:45 pm -- I've prepared my list for next week. I broke it into items that can be done once and will be done for the week, items that will repeat one or more times per week and items that have to be done on certain days. I moved a lot of stuff to next week that I'm sure I won't get to this week.

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