Sunday, November 03, 2013

Book Review: The End of the Wasp Season

The End of the Wasp Season by Denise Mina

When I last left Alex Morrow in Still Midnight (My Review), I wasn't entirely sure what I thought. I had struggled a little with the book, but I was still intrigued.

I'm glad I stuck with it.  Wasp picks up a little while after Midnight with Alex about five-months pregnant with twins. The things I didn't like so much about Midnight weren't as noticable - the amount of cursing - far, far less; the villains - more interesting.  As we begin Wasp, a crime is committed. We know who was involved, but we don't know why or exactly who did it.  We follow the criminals as they go about their lives after the crime, we follow the police as they close in on the criminals, and we follow others who we, as readers, know aren't guilty, waiting for the police to catch up to where we are. I read in the acknowledgements that the author struggled a little with the second half of the book and there are some interesting random pieces that take awhile to come together and if not deus ex machina, they are at least some lucky breaks.  But it's a good story with good character development and a satisfying ending.

I finished the book midday on a Saturday and so as I turned it over in my head over the next few hours, I began to appreciate the ending more and more.  So I will definitely pick up book three.

Still Midnight (Alex Morrow #1)
(Amazon, My Review)

The End of the Wasp Season (Alex Morrow #2)

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