Sunday, May 05, 2013

Week 5 (Final)


Weight (Wednesday): 154.3 (9.3 to go)
Lose-It: 1,662 calories available; N/A consumed; N/A earned exercise; N/A remaining for the day.
Exercise (week)Jumping Jacks: 300 // Situps: 130 // Pushups: 130 // Walk: 4 (11.2 miles)

Remember the Milk: Today: 0/84; Week: 0/442
Email: 49 (13+36) // Feedly: 151 // TED Talks: 13

Reading: Fast Company May 2013 (100 of 121); Fast Cpmpany Dec. 2012/Jan. 2013 (completed); Inc. May 13 (57 of 114); Inc. Dec. 2012/Jan. 2013 (99 of 112); I'm Feeling Lucky: The Confessions of Google Employee Number 59 (113 of 390)

10:12 pm - Good week.  So... what I learned:
(1) I need to look at the calendar before planning what I want to try to get done in a day.  If I won't be home in the evening, thinking I can get anything done is silly.
(2) I'm not allowing for fun - playing games with Rachel or just spending time laying on the floor while Ben jumps on me.
(3) Letting the daily recurring items prevent me from getting to the non-daily items (therefore not making any headway).
(4) Items that aren't specific enough - need to make them more specific.
(5) I am overpromising and underdelivering.  I'm the customer, so all I'm doing is disappointing myself.
(6) I can't sleep in.  I need the time in the morning to get some stuff done.  Otherwise, some things I just need to kick off the list if I don't do them before work.
(7) I need to consult with Lori about my plans.  If they don't match hers, it's a recipe for frustration for one or both of us. I gave her a list of the big items I've been postponing and she noted all the ones she wants to see done in May (and by the same token all the stuff

This was my third day of not tracking my calories.  That was stupid.  I feel like Friday-Sunday of next week will also be a problem.  I guess I need to work to come in under my calories by quite a bit Monday-Thursday and do my next weigh-in on Friday morning.

So I've consulted the calendar and I know what's coming up this week.  I haven't fully aligned my plans to the week yet, but I'm at least aware.  I'll adjust further as the week progresses.  I have a plan for the week and for the month.  It's not perfect, but this week was quite helpful.


Weight (Wednesday): 154.3 (9.3 to go)
Lose-It: 1,662 calories available; N/A consumed; N/A earned exercise; N/A remaining for the day.
Exercise (week)Jumping Jacks: 250 // Situps: 110 // Pushups: 110 // Walk: 4 (11.2 miles)

Remember the Milk: Today: 0/113; Tomorrow: 100; Week: 100/359
Email: 49 (9+40) // Feedly: 154 // TED Talks: 13

Reading: Fast Company May 2013 (100 of 121); Fast Cpmpany Dec. 2012/Jan. 2013 (completed); Inc. May 13 (57 of 114); Inc. Dec. 2012/Jan. 2013 (99 of 112); I'm Feeling Lucky: The Confessions of Google Employee Number 59 (81 of 390)

3:19 pm - Today has veered from the planned course.  I should have a lot more done by the end of the night that I originally planned to do, but I also got quite a few things done that I hadn't planned to, a number of them things that were already on the list for tomorrow or next week, so that's cool.  The weather outside is gorgeous!

11:12 pm - A nice dinner and game night with friends, but I know I'm way over my calories.  Surprisingly, the list for tomorrow is down to 100 items.  I'm not sure I'll get to all of them, but I feel like it's a good list.

Weight (Wednesday): 154.3 (9.3 to go)
Lose-It: 1,662 calories available; N/A consumed; N/A earned exercise; N/A remaining for the day.
Exercise (week)Jumping Jacks: 150 // Situps: 70 // Pushups: 70 // Walk: 2 (5.7 miles)

Remember the Milk: Today: 44/35; Tomorrow: 125; Week: 262/245
Email: 55 (54+1) // Feedly: 221 // TED Talks: 10

Reading: Fast Company May 2013 (100 of 121); Fast Cpmpany Dec. 2012/Jan. 2013 (111 of 128); Inc. May 13 (57 of 114); Inc. Dec. 2012/Jan. 2013 (99 of 112); I'm Feeling Lucky: The Confessions of Google Employee Number 59 (55 of 390)

10:57 pm - As soon as I got home, I had to give Ben  a bath because he had played in the yard and gotten really dirty.  The day itself was weird, so I really wasn't in the mood to do chores.  As such, didn't get a lot done.  Same amount (35) as yesterday.  Now tomorrow... tomorrow's pretty open day.  The list right now stands at 125.  That is a crazy amount, but taken individually, it doesn't really seem crazy.  We shall see.  Totally blew the diet today because I had a lunch meeting that included all you could eat pizza.  I did not take them up on that, but I did eat more than I should have.


Weight (Wednesday): 154.3 (9.3 to go)
Lose-It: 1,662 calories available; 1,623 consumed; 343 earned exercise; 382 remaining for the day.
Exercise (week)Jumping Jacks: 150 // Situps: 70 // Pushups: 70 // Walk: 1 (2.8 miles)

Remember the Milk: Today: 30/35; Tomorrow: N/A; Week: 265/210
Email: 44 (43+1) // Feedly: 258 // TED Talks: 10

Reading: Fast Company May 2013 (100 of 121); Fast Cpmpany Dec. 2012/Jan. 2013 (88 of 128); Inc. May 13 (57 of 114); Inc. Dec. 2012/Jan. 2013 (99 of 112); I'm Feeling Lucky: The Confessions of Google Employee Number 59 (44 of 390)

9:56 pm - I am still making up for last night.  I had an evening thing that kept me out late, I didn't get a lot done, I tried to read, stayed up late, slept in, worked really had all day, tried to get a bunch done tonight, but too many large items.  Tomorrow night we have a thing, too, so I shouldn't plan to get a lot done tomorrow.  Mail is creeping up and Feedly's out of control.  I also need to finish some magazines, apparently. Ok, time to go give the little one second dinner.


Weight (Wednesday): 154.3 (9.3 to go)
Lose-It: 1,662 calories available; 1,768 consumed; 371 earned exercise; 265 remaining for the day.
Exercise (week): Jumping Jacks: 150 // Situps: 70 // Pushups: 70 // Walk: 1 (2.8 miles)

Remember the Milk: Today: 41/21; Tomorrow: N/A; Week: 275/175
Email: 44 (11+33) // Feedly: 173 // TED Talks: 10

5:19 pm - I realized that I have an engagement tonight.  I will end the night with very little done.  I need to remember this for future nights where I have something so that I don't even bother to plan to get stuff done.  Feedly is out of control.

10:57 pm - Yep, not much done.  That's fine.


Lose-It: 1,667 calories available; 1,598 consumed; 571 earned exercise; 640 under for the day.
Remember the Milk: Today: 0/75; Tomorrow: N/A; Week: 274/154
Email: 44 (5+39) // Feedly: 180 // TED Talks: 10

7:15 am - Awesome what an extra 45 minutes can do.  Instead of snoozing and getting crummy sleep or being annoyed that I couldn't get more sleep, I got up when my alarm went off.  It was difficult, but now I'm glad I did.  I got quite a bit done.  I rock.

10:43 pm - Should be upstairs already.  Almost ready to go.  Again, around 65 plus duplicates.  So, will aim for that again.  Got most of the stuff done off my list, most of the important stuff.  I don't think I can get any therapy done with Ben during the week, it's not the right time and then it's dinner and then bedtime.  But I got some work done in the yard and the light cleaned.  I shouldn't plan for TED Talks on the nights when I'm not shaving.  I noticed I haven't listed what I'm reading.


Lose-It: 1,667 calories available; 1,882 consumed; 575 earned exercise; 360 under for the day.
Remember the Milk: Today: 0/79; Tomorrow: 70; Week: 286/79
Email: 59 (1+58) // Feedly: 117

7:17 am - I realized last night looking ahead to this week that I was turning my chores into a sprint - committing to a reasonable body of work and using what I completed the week before as a guide for what I could get to this week.  So, welcome to Sprint Week.  Not because I will race and end the week exhausted, but because I will be agile.

It might seem like this is at odds with "Simplify" but in reality, it helps me regain control and really assess what is important and what I can shed or at least do less frequently.

9:58 pm - Ok.... so good first day.  I had said 79 but the 79 completed weren't the same (I needed to discount some as repeats). Therefore, I'll aim for 70 for tomorrow.  Didn't get to:

Study with Rachel and Study/Therapy with Ben - may not be possible on school nights
Study/Therapy with Rachel - may not be possible on school nights
Defrag PC, Wii Exercises, some cleaning, some work in the yard - just didn't have time

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