Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Ending April

April was a much better month.  I started the month with a week of vacation where we didn't really do anything.  I met some new people in LinkedIn, got some coaching and then returned to work, renewed with a clearer sense of purpose for work and home life.  At the same time, I started tracking what I was doing to see if I was doing the right stuff.  That, as you've seen, is a work in progress, but I'm feeling good about it.  Also, I've exercised a lot more and the weather has turned for the better.  I've also been tracking my calories again and am actually losing weight.  I am still working on sleep - when to go to bed, how much sleep I really need, whether I can get up any earlier or not (it's been difficult).

Yes, it's been a good month.  I think if this month had a theme, that theme was control.  Not that I can control everything, but I'm owning what I can, I don't feel out of control or like I have no say in what's going on in my life.

The Big Elements

Simplify - One wonders if I went the other way, tracking as much as I've been tracking.  The idea is that this will help me to determine what's really the most important and help with planning what's next.  Came to the realization that some things around the house will never get done or that when we do them it will be painful, unless we plan for it.  Then it's not an expense, but an investment.  Need to get the summits going again with the family.

Diet/Exercise - I'm owning it.  It's difficult, but I'm staying under my calories.  TWENTY walks!  No runs, though.  Maybe May.

Work - I don't plan to say too much about work, but I went into the month absolutely livid.  To put it in a single word, to put it mildly, and to say little about it, intentionally.  I was wrong.  And that's been a good thing.  Again, that's enough.

Family - We had Lori's mom over for dinner, we had a date night.  We saw my brother and his family in the final days of March.  No real connection with family beyond Lori's mom in April.  We still must get better about this.  This is something I'm serious about.  We are going to proactively remain connected to our family, an area of definite growth would be regular communication with Lori's dad and brothers.  Next month is Ben's birthday and it's going to be a small party because a lot of my family (like my parents) have made other plans.  Very sad about that.

Family Present Ideas - I had a chance to observe Rachel and get a few small ideas.  This one's just not happening like I thought it would.  I think we don't just wander around stores like we used to back when Lori and I were dating and newlyweds.  Less opportunity to see small things that get compliments that I made note of.


I made it the entire month without actually writing new goals.  That's kinda sad.  I will try to build some for May.

Top 5 Posts for this Month
My Favorite 5 Posts for this Month

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