Friday, March 08, 2013


I think Lori and I have unwittingly been preparing ourselves for a post-live TV reality... it all started when we discovered Firefly long after it had been canceled.  We watched all of the episodes followed by the Serenity movie all in one fell go (an episode a night).  Shortly after that, we were loaned the first season of Vampire Diaries and the first few seasons of Bones.

We really started to enjoy the consistency - no matter what the day threw at us, we could head downstairs at the end of the day and escape for 44 minutes to the storyline/world we'd been in the day before.  It certainly beat trying to keep all kinds of stories and arcs in our heads week after week, especially if there was a shocking cliffhanger or reveal.  Not to mention shows that were brand new - what if we invested in them and they got canceled?  (Like 666 Park Avenue... Lori ditched it, but I was still watching it.)

So we started just DVRing everything and letting it pile up.  There's a few things, like the half hour comedies and Amazing Race and Survivor (and ironically, Vampire Diaries) that we'll watch very soon after (same night if possible) but the rest of it, we just watch all of one show and then move on to the next one.  (It was hard going to that kind of schedule with Person of Interest and Once Upon a Time.)

So we just got caught up from Elementary this week.  I'm glad that we started recording that one because it's been really entertaining and now I'm a little bummed that we're done with it for awhile.  But we're back in Hawaii (Five-O) where it's warm and sunny and by the end of the week not sure where we'll be... Storybrooke, New York or any number of made-up towns in California with The Mentalist crew.  Or Vegas.  Or D.C.

It's also helped me to realize that certain shows I end up not wanting to continue like Grimm).

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