Thursday, August 16, 2012

Test Again (and then some)

Excellent. I hate the Blogger app on the iPhone and there's no native app
for the iPad, just the enlarged grainy iPhone app. And the Blogger website
itself has some unique (ok, mind-numbingly stupid and frustrating) um,
quirks, about it that makes it difficult to use at best. Oh, and it's super
slow and doesn't capture everything I type. So that's been a barrier to

Well, until I remembered that Blogger has allowed you to email a post, and
it's not a new option. I used it a few times many. Many years ago. So I
think I'll use this option to post more regularly because I can use the
iPad and iPhone email app just fine. Perhaps too well if you ask my

So, I'm going to try to post more regularly.

I am noticing that it did include my signature, but it was a website
address and ended up as a link in Feeddler from Google Reader. That's good.

A few more tests. I suspect they will fail, but will try anyhow.

<!-- more --> (more test)

<a href="">my blog</a> (link test)

#hashtag test $TSLA cashtag test.

<hr nshade size="1"> (rule tests)

<table><tr><td>1</td><td>2</></tr></table> (table test)

<font color="#FF6600">orange</font> (color test)

I expect all of these tests to fail, but I want to know what's allowed and
what's not. Sorry/thanks.


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