Wednesday, June 13, 2012


I'll get back to the series soon. Just when I thought it couldn't get any busier... It may have. I think we're on the other side, but yeah, craziness around here. It's meant that by the time I came down here for my nightly exercise, I've not wanted to post, just wanted to watch TV and maybe do some Google Reader.

I had a brief period without reading, but I've picked it back up at night with a leadership book my wife grabbed from the "new arrivals" section of the library and I've started using the time after the morning podcast the last few mornings to read some back issues of Fast Company from the stack. I also read more of Tale of Two Cities on my Kindle while I walked at lunch today. Crazy weather (monsoon or heat wave) has made exercise unappealing but I'm trying to get back to running and walking. Several parties this past weekend saw really bad diet failures and I'm paying for it now with my weigh-ins, probably set myself back at least a week. But I am starting to notice that my clothes really really don't fit anymore. Before too long I'm going to need to donate most of my wardrobe. It's starting to actuslly look bad - I'm swimming in some of my shirts and pants to the point that shirts won't stay tucked in. It's cool butit's another thing to think about and budget for.

We sat down at work and listed everything I'm doing and then crossed out a bunch. The hard part is that everyone else is so busy that we haven't told people about some of the cross outs yet because it will mean some things are no longer being done and some things are now going to fall to them. And I don't think this is the end of the changes. There's one more thing looming at work that I'm waiting to see the impact of.

But right now things are good. Starting to get back on track. I'll feel more on track when laundry's caught up, back lawns are mowed (mowed the front lawns tonight - so stinking tall) and I'm able to start doing new work in the yard again. And a car wash. Way overdue. And an oil change. It's time to get that done but I'm worried it'll turn into other stuff that needs to get done. I might just rent a car when I drop it off and just plan on them having it a few days and charging me a lot of money.

But, yeah, things are good. Fat and happy. Less fat, more happy.

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