Tuesday, May 15, 2012


So Snackeell's Fudge Pretzels in the 100 calorie pack are decent. Not great, but decent. I found I appreciated them more when I let the chocolate melt first - that gets the most chocolate flavor and then lets you actually taste the salt. I feel satisfied. But like I said, not great. Helps with the calorie counting, though.

Today was a good day. I got up at 5:55, did 30 minutes of free step while listening to a Saddleback podcast and had time to read everything in Google Reader. Then I went and worked in the yard for half an hour, digging up grass. Hard work, broke an old hoe. Got the mail on my way to work, had a good day at work, made some good strides towards taking over a project. I was told to do it, but all these competing factions are all doing their own thing and now they want me to hold a lot of meetings and talk about things. I didn't, instead I sent a bunch of emails, laid down some laws and moved on. That made some people uncomfortable and sad because we couldn't talk it out, but I heard from an equal number that they were happy that a single solid direction was being exposed. There's a time for consensus and there's a time to take the reigns and I'm casting a vision and standing up and leading. May make me a lightning rod in some cases and may make some people unhappy, but let's be honest - I wasn't asked to devote a lot of time (I didn't have) because things were flying in the right direction at light speed. I've gotten some great validation from people who asked me to do this and then questioned my results originally (I'm still trying to learn where all the pieces are and who does what).

After work, it was really nice at home - kids were doing well, weather was spectacular. I had a nice dinner, did some math work with Rachel and tried to do shapes and colors with Ben. Lori ended up running errands (had been home all day with Ben who didn't go to school because of yesterday night's events) so I got the kids ready for bed and then got a bunch of chores done. And then I read a chapter in a book I'm trying to re-read, read some in the magazine I'm currently reading, did some freestep, ended up in positive territory at the end of the day, calorie-wise.

And then we came up and got to visit with Ben who was still awake and goofy and now I'm wrapping this up, will play Words with Friends and then start on of the library books Lori brought home for me before going to sleep and then getting up tomorrow and doing it all again.

Life is going really, really good right now. I really need some more money, but otherwise, this is pretty sweet.

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