Saturday, May 12, 2012


Ben turned four today. We had some friends and family over. Was a really nice time. He wasn't all that interested in the presents, but he liked having all the people over and we had lots of the foods he liked and Lori made him a giant cookie. Got some great photos, too.

It was a nice day with nice weather. And the party was over early in the day so we had some nice family time in the afternoon and some downtime. And then later in the day I ran. A lot. Not sure why, but I'm a bit ambivalent.

So I'm bummed that Terra Nova and Awake and Alcatraz have all been canceled. Terra Nova and Alcatraz just go to show that you should *NEVER* watch any hour-long show on FOX because they will cancel it. Ahem. Firefly. If it's not too late, I think people should start mailing convicts and velociraptors to FOX to try to #SaveAlcatraz and #SaveTerraNova.

Awake just goes to show that NBC will continue to try to do these dual-reality shows (like "My Own Worst Enemy") and then the general public will go "uh..wuh..huh? I don't... he's and then he's... uh... ow. Is there a rerun of 'Mama's Family' somewhere?" I don't know what you'd mail to NBC to get them to #SaveAwake. Something that shows you're smart or something. We were all caught up with Alcatraz and I was all caught up with Terra Nova, but we have a bunch of Awakes on the DVR and I'm not sure if I should just delete them all or save them for later. Even at an hour or so of TV a day, it feels like we're getting behind. We have a lot of shows accruing like Grimm and CSI:Thursdays and The Mentalist, not to mention several seasons of Bones on DVD on loan from friends. We'll not want for anything come this summer, but who knows if we'll even get caught up then. (But it is fun to watch a bunch of episodes of the same show back-to-back.)

I didn't think too much about work today and I don't think I did any work today. That's good.

As part of my rejuvenated ongoing "Simplify." campaign, I took all the magazines that were on the floor in my room and put them in a box. I'm going to bring the box down here to the family room and store it down here. There's some more on the computer table down here and there's a few more recent ones in my car. That way they'll all be in one place. Reading them will be another story. I had tried to simplify by letting Inc., Fast Company and Architectural Digest lapse, but then Lori was awarded a free subscription to Architectural Digest and Inc. went and offered me three years for $10. Dang them!

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