Sunday, May 20, 2012


I don't know why it's been the topic du jour, but my appearance has been what people are talking about, or more specifically how I appear, relative to my age.

First conversation was earlier this week. I'm not sure how it came up but I was meeting with developers and the business owner (the guy who hired me) and his intern. Someone suggested that I looked to be the same age as the intern. (He didn't like that.)

The guy who hired me said I didn't look that young but that I did look the same age as I did when hired six years ago. I'll take it! Now, I am 30 pounds lighter, but still good to hear.

There've been a few others, and then this morning, a guy suggested I looked like I "was 32-35 which was good because I was in my 40s, right?"

Ah, well.

Good day. Ran audio for the church services and then came home. Avoided eating out, so saved the money and the calories. Did some work around the house, helped Rachel to get her chores done, finished The Expats. I'll post a review later. And I also did some cleaning of my toiletries under the sink in the bathroom and in my nightstand. Also spent some time going through another drawer filled with papers. It's an odd mix of stuff of mine from when I was still in school as well as stuff from Rachel. It's funny, sometimes I have to look at whose name is written on the back.

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