Monday, December 05, 2011

The Sift 326-330

The Sift 326: Security, Safety, Privacy and Crime
  • How to Protect Yourself from Fraud and Identity Theft Offline
  • Easy and Cheap Ways to Increase Your Home’s Security Based on Burglars’ Habits
  • What to Do if Your Ereader Is Lost or Stolen
  • Cordon multi-target photo-radar system leaves no car untagged (video)
  • Disable AutoRun to Stop 50% of Windows Malware Threats

The Sift 327: Google Music
  • Google Music Store
  • Google Music is open for business
  • Google Music available on T-Mobile devices, track purchases can be direct billed
  • Google Music Artist Hub helps musicians promote, sell music
  • Google partners with Universal, EMI, Sony Music, 23 independent labels on Google Music, scores exclusive content


The Sift 328: Facebook
  • How to Time Your Facebook Posts to Reach the Most Fans
  • How the 10 Most Popular Facebook Brands Rank by Engagement
  • Facebook Timeline: The Next Step Is Coming Soon
  • Facebook Brings Recent Stories Option Back to News Feed
  • Facebook Readying FTC Settlement Over Privacy

The Sift 329: Amazon
  • Jeff Bezos is No Steve Jobs -- But Amazon Could Be the Next Apple
  • Amazon Launches Imprint for Fantasy, Sci-Fi & Horror
  • Office of Fair Trading gives thumbs up to Amazon's purchase of The Book Depository
  • Amazon Flow strikes low blow to brick and mortar, converts barcode scans to online sales
  • Amazon Introduces Kindle Lending Library

The Sift 330: Entertainment, Technology, Fun and Games
  • Comcast promises Xfinity VOD streaming on more devices, new Xcalibur guide in 2012
  • CRTC won't regulate Netflix as a broadcaster in Canada
  • CanIStream.It Quickly Shows If and Where You Can Stream That Movie
  • Judge Blocks Cell Phone Safety Warnings in San Francisco
  • Steve Martin to Turn Tweets Into Book

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