Saturday, October 22, 2011

Oh, the weather outside is frightful....

Ok, there it is... first sighting of 2011.  Saturday, Nov. 5.  If past experience tells me anything, Accuweather will continue to keep it on day 15 of the 15-day forecast for several more days, and then it will slowly move forward on the prediction and then just before it gets here, it'll turn to rain.

Previous first sighting that I noted on here (living in Washington this will probably be a thing I do):
2010 - Saturday, Nov. 13
2008 - Wednesday, Oct. 22 (hey! that's today.  a few years ago.)

Yes, I am still rocking Accuweather version 3.x.  And will continue to do so as long as at all possible.  Accuweather versions 4 and 5 stink.  Boo!  (So why keep Accuweather?  Accuweather doesn't get it right every time, but it's right far more times than it's wrong which is the complete reverse of, at least back in 2006 when I last did as close as I was going to get to a scientific survey of the two.)

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