Friday, June 17, 2011

The Sift 156-160

The Sift 156: Uncluttering and Productivity

  • Focus on a List of Projects, Not Just To-Dos, to Relieve Productivity Stress
  • Distinguish Between "Idle Time" and "Leisure Time" to Avoid Wasting Time
  • Four reasons you may be missing deadlines and how to fix these problems
  • Introducing Remember the Milk for iPad
  • Three uncluttering projects you can probably do right now


The Sift 157: Web Development

  • How Web Security Will Change With HTML5
  • Top 5 Web Design Mistakes Small Businesses Make
  • The Photoshop Etiquette Manifesto Prescribes Best Practices for Creating PSD Files
  • Find Out Which Add-Ons Are Slowing Down Firefox
  • Updating JavaScript Benchmarks for Modern Browsers


The Sift 158: Social Media

  • An Overview of Bing’s Newest Facebook Features
  • Kraft Courts Mommy Blogger Readers With Online Talk Show
  • The Facebook Like Inspires Baby Name
  • Rate and review places in your Foursquare history with Google Places
  • Social Memories: an Infographic Book of your Facebook Activity


The Sift 159: Apple

  • Lodsys vs. Apple Devs: EFF helps us dig deeper
  • Apple responds to Lodsys infringement accusations, says developers are not responsible
  • Apple patent application suggests partial storage of music to speed up streaming
  • Top 10 Ways iOS Outdoes Android
  • Microsoft launches API Mapping tool to help devs point iPhone apps at WP7 libs


The Sift 160: Friday Fun

  • Ten Funny Vintage Cell Phone Ads
  • Simon's Cat "Hop It"
  • Tribute to Your Friends on Facebook
  • Maz Jobrani: Did You Hear the One About the Iranian-American?
  • Red Pandas Playing in the Snow


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