Saturday, April 09, 2011

The Sift 96-100

The Sift 96: Cars

  • Veritas RSIII Roadster is the World’s Fastest Plug-in Hybrid
  • U.S. Department of Energy Announces New Biofuel for the Replacement of Gasoline
  • Google Maps Now Indicates Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
  • New Shock Wave Engines Have the Potential to Triple Fuel Efficiency in Hybrid Vehicles
  • European Union May Ban Gas Fueled Cars in Cities by 2050


The Sift 97: Education, Brain and Thought Leadership

  • How to Spend $100 Million and Really Save Education
  • Reserve Intentional Solitude Time to Improve Thinking (and Friendships)
  • Teachers-in-training to get pointers, CIA updates via wireless headsets
  • The Siren Song of Pub (Release) Day
  • Bill Gates: How State Budgets are Breaking US Schools (Video; 10:16)


The Sift 98: Employment and Work

  • No Robots
  • Make Your Flattery Indirect for Effective Kissing Up
  • Texting While Working
  • How to Know When to Quit Your Job
  • Be the Most Prepared Member of a Meeting to Get Your Ideas Heard


The Sift 99: Infographics

  • How Likeable is Each Angry Bird?
  • Nike Grid: Mapping Running Competitions in the City
  • Facebook Photos By The Numbers
  • Explore Facebook Stats
  • Explaining Gender Imbalance through an Infographic Presentation


The Sift 100: Can't Stop the Signal

  • Google’s Answer to the Facebook "Like" Button: The "+1"
  • Ultra high-speed broadband is coming to Kansas City, Kansas
  • Amazon negotiating for Cloud Player music licensing deals after all?
  • Fox asks Time Warner to stop streaming its channels to customers iPads
  • How to Hack the New York Times Paywall -- With Your Delete Key


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