Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Sift 111-115

The Sift 111: Google

  • New in Gmail Labs: Smart Labels
  • Google To Test In-Store Mobile Payment System
  • Google Sets Role in Mobile Payment
  • Google: Social Media Success Will Determine Employee Bonuses
  • Google Developing App That Can Snap Your Face, Pull Up Your Profile


The Sift 112: Entertainment and Technology

  • Piracy is a problem of 'global pricing,' not enforcement, claims new report
  • Went to Bharma -- LOST themed restaurant in Barcelona
  • Theater owners ready to fight over $30, 60-day window VOD movies
  • 15 Movie Cliché Supercuts That Poke Fun at Hollywood [15 VIDEOS!]
  • Art of the Title - moving opening sequences

The Sift 113: Social Media
  • Facebook Releases Robust Updates to Its Comments Plugin
  • Facebook Writes Its Privacy Policy in a Language Humans Can Read
  • Warner Bros. Starts Renting Movies on Facebook
  • Foursquare releases venue database for all to use
  • Cost of Facebook Ads Jumped 40% This Year

The Sift 114: Finances, Banking, Business and Acquisition (Tax Day)
  • Tax Day: Are You Ready? (Infographic)
  • Google snags PushLife, will probably use it to push music to your Android phone
  • Google Gets Green Light From Justice Department for Travel Acquisition
  • SmartGiving Lets Your Credit Card Choose Your Charity Causes
  • Discover cardholders can send money to anyone with a cell phone, email address

The Sift 115: WOW Videos
  • Slowing down time - recording at 2,564 frames per second
  • How to Organize a Bookshelf
  • Fighting Shadows
  • San Francisco to Paris Time-Lapse
  • South Sanriku - Tsunami seen from Shizugawa High School - watch at your own risk

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