Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Sift 101-105

The Sift 101: Kinect

  • DIY 3D volumetric display / Kinect hack spices up the Fortress of Solitude's kitchenette
  • Kinect hack gets a Wiimote assist, stomps all over Dead Space 2
  • Microsoft sells 10 million Kinects, 10 million Kinect games
  • Gmail Motion April Fools' gag inevitably turned into reality using Kinect (videos)
  • Music video shot entirely with Kinect. Not so sure about song itself.


The Sift 102: Transit, Traffic, Travel and Development

  • Construction Commences on MVRDV’s Massive Amanora Vertical City Apartments in India - 3,500 apartments! too many?
  • House Panel Considers Privatizing Rail
  • Crowdsourcing of Traffic and Incident Reporting in Los Angeles
  • Mad Men Discuss The Future and Why Rail Will Play a Part of the Future
  • Arguments for Center-Running Light Rail on Woodward in Detroit


The Sift 103: Music

  • 3D Printed Concert Flute Rapidly Prototypes Sound
  • Pandora for Chrome Controls Your Music with Your Keyboard, No Open Tabs Required
  • Clocks/Chicago (Coldplay/Surjan Stevens) Mashup
  • Musical Interpretation of Pi
  • Ahn Trio: A Modern Take on Piano, Violin, Cello


The Sift 104: Email

  • 10 Fascinating Facts about Email
  • Snooze Your Email Reminds You of Important Emails Later On - I don't use this personally, but it sounds interesting
  • How to Use Facebook and Twitter over Email
  • AP Stylebook Finally Changes "e-mail" to "email"
  • Fixing the Little Things


The Sift 105: Odds and Ends

  • Purgatory at 37 degrees - The power of the internet. Bob helps a friend get restitution on a busted refrigerator at Home Depot when GE, LG and the very evil Assurant Solutions won't help. A very serious reminder to document all warranty repairs.
  • Research suggests text messaging could help smokers quit
  • In and Out (Writing)
  • I wish... - a website for ideas you'd like to see turned into reality
  • America's 'panic button' to wipe phones of democracy activists, perturb repressive governments


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