Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Sift 76-80

The Sift 76: Google

  • Google and the Value of Social Networking (Part 3)
  • Introducing the Google Translate app for iPhone
  • Google Rolls Out New Search Tool for Recipes
  • Google Goes to War on Content Farms
  • Gmail accidentally resetting accounts, years of correspondence vanish into the cloud? Update: Fixed - how it happened.


The Sift 77: Social Good & Charity

  • SwipeGood Donates Your Loose Change to Charity
  • Why Charities Should Die - she doesn't mean all charities
  • Thrive, the Beloved Country - fighting to prevent brain drain in Africa
  • An Amazing Word of Mouth Campaign for Goodwill
  • Out of the Rubble, Into the Lab


The Sift 78: Social Media

  • How to Get People to Become a Fan of Your Business
  • News Corp. set to unload Myspace?
  • The Social(ist) Networks - social networking in China
  • Why not call it a Facebook revolution?
  • Facebook’s Growing Role in Social Journalism


The Sift 79: Energy

  • 19-Year-Old makes Homemade Solar Death Ray
  • Wikileaks Reveal that Saudi Arabia is Overstating Their Oil Reserves
  • Portugese Scientists Create Water-Powered Paper Battery
  • SolarWindow with Clear Spray-On Film Could Generate 300% More Energy Than Solar Panels
  • Harvard Study Reveals Coal Energy To Be One of the Most Expensive Forms of Power


The Sift 80: Toys and Games

  • Activision kills Guitar Hero division to the consternation of fake musicians everywhere
  • Top 10 Gaming Hacks and DIY Projects
  • PlayStation Move headed to PCs under official 'Move Server' project
  • PS3 'jailbreak code' retweeted by Sony's Kevin Butler, no punchline needed
  • Greener Lighting Policies Kill the Incandescent Easy Bake Oven


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