Thursday, November 18, 2010

Odds and Ends 79

Ten more links I found interesting...

1. LAST PERSON BLOGGING -- I *Love* Finding a Bargain - except it's handwash only

2. SEATTLE DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION -- Giant Sequoia Ready for the Holidays

3. INHABIT -- World’s Largest and Most Expensive Family Home Completed

4. GOOGLE -- 20 Things I Learned About Browsers and The Web

5. ANDY SERNOVITZ -- Complaints are Symptoms

6. SETH GODIN -- Why We Prefer Live

7. MSNBC -- Woman lives in Chicago museum for a month

8-10. Videos after the break... Simon's cat, a tiny dancer, and a cat that is not a ninja.

8. VIDEO -- Simon's Cat -- "Lunch Break"

9. VIDEO -- Take a Nap, Tiny Dancer

10. ANIMATED -- Ninja Attack Cat... almost

Click to enlarge

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