Sunday, August 15, 2010

A Thing a Day 8

Day 8 - But you'll need me... someday!
This isn't the whole collection, I saved some of the newer ones, like the digital cameras (we had bought one and then I won one) and the Blu-Ray, but in time, I'm sure they'll grace these pages as well.

We're always taught to save boxes, that we may need them someday.  But there needs to be a statute of limitations.

All of these products, save the phone set are past their warranty period. And if we move, we'll transport electronics separately by hand. In a number of cases, the boxes just served to hold manuals and CDs we're never going to install.

There's no reason to hang on to these boxes. I did have them in an out-of-the-way place, stored where they weren't bothering anyone, in the cabinets in the laundry room. I'm not sure if/how I can reuse the space, but I'll probably figure something out.

In the meantime, I've been having fun finding stuff to get rid of.

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