Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Odds and Ends 47


CNET -- Hotel to guests: Pedal for electricity, get a voucher


INFINITE FRONTIER -- (via Skip) NASA 747 pilot shares experience carrying the space shuttle - there are a bunch of comments suggesting this isn't true, but still a great read


WASHINGSTON STATE HIGHWAYS -- Washington State Route 106


MASHABLE -- What Types of People Raise Money for Web Startups?


CROSSCUT -- The Texas model vs. the Seattle model


INHABIT -- NYC Dumpster Pools Make a Splash with All Ages!


CHEAP mumble CONDOS -- SoHo Townhomes (Atlanta Ga.) - I love that CSC is gaining notoriety beyond Seattle for its critiques of bad condos.

-VIDEOS- After the break... some great graphics on an iPhone, a racing video game recreated in the physical world, a new NASA robot


Amazing quality graphics (60fps - your typical motion picture is 24fps) on an iPhone.


A fun "just because" - a small car in a track with a camera. You sit in a video game console and drive it on screen.

-10- VIDEO

NASA Robot (well, 15' tall scale model) tests out its legs

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