Sunday, July 25, 2010

Odds and Ends 36


ENGADGET -- Google Places' camera exposed in the convenience store wilds


SETH GODIN -- Is Everything Perfect?


TECHCRUNCH -- Woot’s Deal Of The Day: Woot! — Amazon Buys It. Price? $110 Million Weird. (thanks, Shari!)


YOUTUBE -- I missed it because I'm behind on my reading, but @OldSpice Guy @Isaiahmustafa posted lots of videos in response to tweets people sent him.


LIFEHACKER -- What Caffeine Actually Does to Your Brain - as I add this item, I'm lying in bed sick. I wonder how many of my current maladies are from having a lot of coffee on Friday and then none yesterday or today.


WASHINGSTON STATE HIGHWAYS -- Washington State Route 103 (he's driving and photographing and journaling all freeways in the state) - 103 is one of his shortest reviews.


WSDOT -- SR 99 - S Holgate Street to S King Street Viaduct Replacement - a *very* slick walk-through of what will be done as they prepare to and then do tear down the south end of the Alaskan Way viaduct. Multiple camera angles and everything. Really worth checking out.

-8-10- Videos after the break
Include "I Fought For You" by Sound Tank, trailers for social network movie(s), and a Star Wars reenactment on a subway.


"I fought for you" by the Sound Tank. A nice belated July 4 piece.


Trailers for "The Social Network" and "The Other Social Network"

-10- VIDEO

Star Wars reenactment on a subway.

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