Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Post-College Employment (not counting temp/hourly)

Positions: 4
Positions that were held by others before me: 1
Bosses/Supervisors with four letter names: 11
Bosses Named Jeff or Rich: 2 each (plus a Rikk)
Number of companies where there was someone named David in my group: 4 (6 total)

When I started:
- Novell Groupwise - 1**
- Eudora - 1**
- Lotus Notes - 1
- AOL* - 1**
* rest of org used Lotus Notes
** using Outlook when I left

Number of places where I almost lost my email address because someone higher up thought it was cool and was thinking of taking it: 1 (james@wb.com)

- Internet Startup, Entertainment - 1
- Major Hollywood Studio - 1
- Mid-side Church - 1
- Large Non-Profit - 1

Companies that have been around 50 years: 3
Companies where I was the first employee hired: 1

Biggest Indian Gift: Accidentally issued 750 shares of AOL by Warner Bros. (Returned as requested before realizing we were running low on Charmin.)

Number of teams I've overseen: 2
Largest: 7

Number of work locations: 13
Actual offices: 2
Non-shared office: 1
From my apartment: 1

Unemployed: 11 months
- but in which I received a paycheck from a former employer: 9
Contractor for a future employer: 22 months

Time salaried:
UltimateTV - 24 months (hourly for 1-1/2 years before that)
Warner Bros. - 41 (after 3 months contractor)
Lake Avenue Church - 39 (after 8 months as an unpaid volunteer and 15 as a contractor)
World Vision - 32 (after 5 months as a temp)

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