Saturday, December 27, 2008

Baked French Toast

I searched for "French Toast" on Google because I know my wife uses this site a lot. 

I found this recipe and plunged in, not realizing until partway through that I should have read the instructions fully before beginning and learned that I lacked: half-and-half, overnight, 40 minutes, the ability to cook.

I plunged on, anyhow, made all the first set of ingredients, poured them into a shallow glass pan.  Then, I put the butter in a pyrex and microwaved it until boiling.  Then added the other two ingredients and mixed until quite syrupy.  I poured into the pan as well, but it immediately sank to the bottom. 

So, used a fork to mix the ingredients between wiping each piece of toast in the mixture and then putting into a greased frying pan.

The end result was really good, it was like french toast with the syrup cooked right in.

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