Sunday, April 13, 2008


They brought doughnuts again this morning. They're Albertsons. They look a little better than the Safeway ones people bring. But I'm still declining. Fortunately, they're on the other side of the table from me. But they're regular plain old doughnuts. I think there was an old fashioned one, but it's gone. The rest are all coated with a thin and greezy sugar or chocolate coating. And the cake parts look like that soft and bland kind. I prefer the crunchy kinds, but barring that, the more solid-cake type with thicker non-greasy icing and possibly sprinkles on top. (Perhaps that provides the crunch?)

But it's getting easier to say 'no thank you.'

But I tell you whut... When that baby is born, Lori and I are getting Blizzards.

Related news, I think the 'the year was 2008' blog (my attempt to pursue my weight-loss and other goals in a temporary year-long separate blog) is a lost cause. I'll bring the neglected progress chart to this blog and get it update.

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