Thursday, October 04, 2007

My Recent Shared Items

Featured Windows Download: Recover Forgotten Passwords with Snadboy's Revelation


Sharp shows off multi-touch optical scanning portable LCD -- Cool... preliminary attempts to turn the monitor into the camera. Future use: Two-way screens where you're looking at the person speaking.

I shall call him...

Whirlpool Espresso refrigerator brings the coffee to the cream -- Why didn't anyone think of this sooner? A refrigerator with built-in espresso maker.

Are you ready for the return of ... Knight Rider? -- NBC has requested a TV movie pilot.

Happy 30th birthday, Atari 2600!

Totally wrong -- Making fun of Steve Jobs

Don't go too big with your new HDTV

It was quiet, too quiet... -- The brownies would later be recovered, unharmed.

I guarantee Amazon’s MP3 store is important to you

Mind Hacks: Why You Should Mouse with the Other Hand

Bought and sold

An ode to great photographers

Here's a bunch of classic TV logos - VIDEO

Windows: Find Out If Your Computer Is Secretly Connecting to the Web

Crazy Robots -- Guy creates system that allows him to feed in a music file and simple robots play the music.

Moving: Check for Bad Neighbors Before You Move with RottenNeighbor

1 comment:

  1. No, I am not ready for the return of "Knight Rider." I guess "Knight Rider 2000," "Knight Rider 2010," and "Team Knight Rider" were all such classics that ANOTHER take on the series had to occur.
