Wednesday, August 01, 2007

The Story is the Story

This is a snap of my rearview mirror. The car behind me is the photographer from the Tacoma News Tribune. The car behind that is the reporter from the Tacoma News Tribune. He probably interviewed me for an hour and then we convoyed to a sign that had graffiti on it. Or, at least it did on 7/30. But by tonight, it had been covered over. Kudos to them. So we drove a few more blocks down the street and started walking along 320. The photographer snapped photos of graffiti as we walked and at one point, turned around and spotted a huge example that was also, surprisingly, brand new, and on Federal Way School District property. That was quite the fortuitous catch on his part. I believe the story gets turned in on Friday, final edits and the decision on whether to publish are made Friday night and then not sure when exactly it'll go to press.

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