Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Oddly Mesmerizing

MixMastah 800 from 'nuff said.


  1. Can I just say I don't know what half the stuff on your blog is or does? Don't know what twitter is, nor why you have a column of brightly colored labels, "shared items" implies there are bits on your blog you are not sharing, and a feed is just another way to see what I'm already looking at on the blog, so why would I want to click on it and view it again?


    Confused in California

  2. It's all about the collaborative web 2.0 world, my friend.

    Twitter is something I'm still not sure about. But, essentially, it's ever-present-presence.. you can post from web, chat or cell phone. Messages too short and mundane to make an actual blog post out of.

    Shared Items are things I'm reading on other people's sites that I think will be of interest to people who read my blog. I featured one of your posts earlier this week, actually.

    The labels are what I'm writing about. The bigger the label, the more I'm writing about that topic. You can click on a label to see all posts with that label. On most other sites, these are referred to as "tags" - not sure why Blogger calls them labels. Probably something I could change. You have the ability to have them on our posts as well.

    To be less overwhelmed, try -- it's great. I now use it to keep up-to-date with about 40 different blogs and websites, including yours. It's much simpler and efficient than going to a bunch of different websites.

  3. It isn't overwhelming... but I generally tune into people's blogs to see what is new. To the credit of most blogs... what's new is at the top of the page. For your blog, what's new is scattered all over the page. Not overwhelming, it is just somewhat of a hassle. You know graphic design better than I do... the term "busy" leaps to mind as I browse around your blog.

  4. Overwhelming/busy/cluttered. They are bedmates. (That's both a design issue and a stress issue.)

    To be sure, this is a horrible mess. I'll admit that. I'm unhappy about it myself but haven't been able to (and had limited time to try) to make it more coherent. At the very least, the twits (still don't know if that's a term) should be several sizes smaller. They're like thought bubbles but right now they're more like band posters people put up ad nauseum(sp?) on blank walls and construction fencing.

    But seriously, get Google Reader.

  5. Overwhelming/busy/cluttered. They are bedmates. (That's both a design issue and a stress issue.)

    To be sure, this is a horrible mess. I'll admit that. I'm unhappy about it myself but haven't been able to (and had limited time to try) to make it more coherent. At the very least, the twits (still don't know if that's a term) should be several sizes smaller. They're like thought bubbles but right now they're more like band posters people put up ad nauseum(sp?) on blank walls and construction fencing.

    But seriously, get Google Reader.

  6. It's all about the collaborative web 2.0 world, my friend.

    Twitter is something I'm still not sure about. But, essentially, it's ever-present-presence.. you can post from web, chat or cell phone. Messages too short and mundane to make an actual blog post out of.

    Shared Items are things I'm reading on other people's sites that I think will be of interest to people who read my blog. I featured one of your posts earlier this week, actually.

    The labels are what I'm writing about. The bigger the label, the more I'm writing about that topic. You can click on a label to see all posts with that label. On most other sites, these are referred to as "tags" - not sure why Blogger calls them labels. Probably something I could change. You have the ability to have them on our posts as well.

    To be less overwhelmed, try -- it's great. I now use it to keep up-to-date with about 40 different blogs and websites, including yours. It's much simpler and efficient than going to a bunch of different websites.
